Visua­li­sing histo­rical data across epis­te­mo­lo­gical practices

Vortragsreihe: Von Büchern zu Bytes. Die digitale Transformation in der Geschichtswissenschaft.

Termin13. Dezember 2024
Vortra­gendeAida Hora­niet Ibanez & Daniel Richter Luxem­bourg Centre for Contem­po­rary and Digital History (C²DH)
OrtOnline (Zoom)

During this trai­ning session, we will guide parti­ci­pants through some of the possi­bi­li­ties to repre­sent data across the epis­te­mo­lo­gical axis, ranging from quan­ti­ta­tive to quali­ta­tive, critical/rhetorical and crea­tive prac­tices. Not only visually, but also explo­ring other moda­li­ties, such as data physi­cal­i­sa­tion. We will discuss which methods to choose accor­ding to diffe­rent objec­tives, the tools available from analogue to digital, and poten­tial ways to evaluate the results. The main objec­tive of this trai­ning is to expose parti­ci­pants to a wide range of options through diffe­rent examples, chal­len­ging the defi­ni­tion of data literacy, and ther­e­fore that of data visua­li­sa­tion, parti­cu­larly in the context of histo­rical rese­arch and dissemination.

(This session will be held in English)
